Is Profound the Secret to a Tighter Tummy?

Women wearing jeans and crop top exposing stomach

While our post baby bodies are something we should feel proud of, the journey to loving them again can be a long and arduous one. Especially when the body in questions feels alien, strange,  and completely unrecognisable.

Social media hasn’t helped the matter. Is there anything more deflating than a mumfluencer displaying her post baby abs mere hours after giving birth, meanwhile you’re 6 weeks postpartum and still look pregnant.

Truth is, most bodies don’t just snap once the babies pop out. It can take months, even years until our bodies resemble something close to their former incarnation.  And with each baby, the journey just takes that little bit longer.

As a mother to three boys ages 9,6 and 2, I like to think I have had a rainbow of experiences. The snapping back, the struggling, the deflation and Mount Everest sized sense of achievement when I finally feel like me again.

With baby number 1, I was back to my former self within 3 months and in truly irritating style (something I can only appreciate since experiencing the other side of things)  was skinnier than before the pregnancy.

Baby number 2, took around 10 month and I was seriously working at it.

Baby number 3, really did a job on me, taking  a little over 2 years!  Yet, while I had finally achieved the milestone of fitting comfortably into my old jeans, my stomach, once the proud owner of a six pack, just couldn’t bounce back.

No matter how many workouts I sweated through, salads I ate or chocolates I (begrudgingly) turned down, it seemed like my stomach with its loose, wrinkly skin would never be the same again. Or at least not without help.

Profound Radiofrequency is a ground-breaking non-invasive treatment  for those who want dramatic skin tightening results, without the use of fillers and surgery. Featuring  radiofrequency and micro needling within one device, it has been clinically proven to create up to 5x more elastin, 2x more collagen, and increased hyaluronic acid, all of which aid skin tightening and texture. What’s more, Profound Radiofrequency a one off treatment, making it perfect for time poor mums like myself, who struggle to get any “me time”.

Blown away by some very impressive before and after shots, I hastily book in with Regents Park Aesthetics, following an initial Zoom consultation. A luxury medical aesthetic clinic located in the heart of central London, the nurse-led clinic offers a variety of state of the art treatments from your classic injectables to PRP and lasers.

On arriving at the clinic we take a set of reference pictures, before injecting anaesthetic at various points on my stomach until I am sufficiently numb. I’m not going to lie, this part was hard to stomach (no pun intended) but as soon as the anaesthetic kicked in, it was smooth sailing from then onwards.

Similar in concept to Morpheous, Profound treatment works by stimulating your body’s own wound-healing response to reduce the signs of ageing. However where Profound differs is the way it delivers real-time, temperature-controlled radiofrequency micro needling. Delivering precise and controlled heat and tightening to the tissues of the skin, via a handheld device, the results are so significant that only one session of Profound is required. In fact studies have shown that the results of Profound RF are equivalent to 30% of a surgical facelift. While cellulite can be reduce by up to 90%.

The procedure itself was painless, with the whole session taking just under an hour.  However, although I was able to walk out of the clinic and go about my day, the downtime is significant and I couldn’t help thinking I was glad the treatment had been on my stomach and not my face!

Featuring a mixture of red/brown dots from the mircroneedling and dark nasty bruises, my friends and family were shocked when I lifted my top to reveal my stomach. Thankfully, it looked far worse than it felt and was nothing a paracetamol or two couldn’t sort.

While the soreness lasted just a few days, the bruising took a number of weeks to disappear.  Not that I was really bothered,  since it was the middle of winter and my stomach hidden under multiple layers, but time of year is definitely something to consider when booking in for your Profound treatment. Ideally you want to aim for Autumn or winter, so you can reap the rewards by summer.

The results I was told would would start take around six month to show, as your skin needs time to produce the collagen which is created as your body heals, and can continue to improve up to a year after treatment.

When the results did finally make an appearance they were impressive, with a visible improvement to the thickness and texture to the skin, a noticeably reduction in wrinkling when I bent, sat or squeezed the skin together. Even my dodgy looking belly button, was looking significantly less dodgy (If only I listened when I pierced my belly button aged 15 and was told “you’ll regret that when you fall pregnant.”)

My body may not be perfect but this summer was the first summer since falling pregnant with baby number 3, where I felt confident enough to wear my bikini again.  But what is peperhps the biggest improvement since having Profound, was that instead of spending my time on the beach  feeling self-conscious and worrying about my post-baby belly, I was able to fully enjoy the time with my family!

Profound Radiofrequency starts from £ 2500 for one body area. To book your consultation visit


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